Staffing Optimization & Allocation Resource
A New Workforce Management Solution That Helps You Lower Labor Costs By Accurately Scheduling Agents Based On Your Service Level Goals.

-AFFORDABLE for small, medium, or large contact centers
-FLEXIBLE to any combination of voice and digital interaction volume
-SIMPLE and intuitive for frontline managers
-SUPPORTED directly by certified contact center professionals with over 20 years of applied industry knowledge
Schedule Staff Onsite or Remote
Use SOAR to ensure you have the right people with the RIGHT skills… anytime, anywhere, 24/7.
For Any Interval by Month, Day, and Hour
Customers expect consistent and high-quality experiences with all businesses serving their needs. With SOAR you’ll be prepared to handle phone calls, email, chat and SMS text messages based on the service levels you define, by channel, all day, every day.
Find out how you can access SOAR for less than the cost of one contact center agent.*
*Based on 2021/22 Bureau of Labor Statistics data