Learn more about our real-world results by contacting Inflight Contact Center Solutions.

“Designed / Operationalized AI coaching enablement system that delivered a 20% lift in sales conversion”

Applicable to a sales or service environment, agent performance management is greatly enhanced with an AI powered system that arms the user with the ability to precisely target coaching opportunities at scale. This solution was transformative as coaches/managers were served up new coaching opportunities that may have gone undiscovered by randomly listening to calls and reviewing digital interactions.

“Improved Outbound Contact Rate by 220% while reducing labor by 24%; all with a scoring model that prioritized accounts based on their propensity to act”

Lead/Account quality varies greatly in most business models. Based on profitability potential, varying the treatment or attention a given account or lead may receive can raise sales conversion, enable better customer experiences, and improve profitability. In this case, analytics and the construction of a scoring model ensured that right accounts were prioritized.

“Lowered corporate operating costs and achieved a six-month ROI by migrating 60 sites onto a common contact center and CRM technology platform”

Eliminated disparate premise-based components, including a dated ACD and dialer, which paved the way for a modern and flexible cloud-based solution that lowered operating costs and enabled better employee and customer experiences.

“Supported core business by establishing BPO to offset operating costs, address seasonality, retain great talent…and generate millions in incremental revenue”

Instead of laying off high-performing variable labor during off-peak seasons, excess staff was utilized to temporarily perform contact center services for other businesses. In this case, taking on third-party work by becoming a business process outsourcer (BPO) resulted in a more stable and productive core business.

“Amid the COVID pandemic, seamlessly transitioned a 500-seat contact center to operate remotely in less than 72 hours”

Executing on a disaster recovery plan with agility and calm is vital in any successfully run contact center operation. Preparation led to flawless execution and the continuation of exceptional customer experiences.

“Introduced NPS (Net Promoter Score) to monitor customer experiences, continuously improve quality, build the brand, fuel a commission plan, and improve sales performance”

Managing your business through the lens of the customer ensures that your evolving business model is meeting or preferably exceeding their requirements. In this case NPS is utilized to not only pay off a business model based on continuous improvement, but also to ensure that the quality of the customer experience remains top of mind for all contact center team members.

Lower operating costs and unlock the potential of your contact center to increase market share.